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​business contract

Application content

1. Establishment and change of companies and non-profit organizations

2. Company bankruptcy, liquidation, and cancellation

3. Review, drafting and negotiation of contracts and transaction documents

4. Corporate Legal and Compliance Consultant

5. Company legal risk assessment management

6. Foreign companies invest in the U.S.

Please call 626-802-5085 or 626-802-5083 for free consultation


​Commercial entrusted cooperative agency

Apply to set up a company

There are many forms of companies in the United States, the most common are:

    1. Limited Liability Company (Limited Liability Company, LLC): It is an organizational form of a company. The external economic responsibility of a limited company is limited to the capital invested by the investor. If a limited company is wound up by creditors, the creditors cannot claim compensation from the shareholder’s personal property; LLC is a hybrid business entity, which can be a company of one person or jointly owned by several natural or legal persons. But LLC combines the elements of stock company and partnership. In LLC, like a corporation, the owner bears limited liability. However, the form of ownership of LLC members is different from that of shareholders of a company limited by shares. They do not hold stock (stock), but hold legal interest (interest) in proportion to their investment. When they sell their shares, what they sell is the interest they own, not the stock. LLCs are generally not allowed to be listed. If they need to be listed, they can be converted to C-Corporation. LLC is generally regarded as a unique legal entity that has the right to sign contracts, hold property, sue and be sued independently.

    2. Limited partnership (LP): Limited partners, that are institutional investors and individual investors involved in the investment of enterprises or financial insurance institutions, or those who have been unanimously agreed by other partners to become limited partners in accordance with the law, are recognized as non- A person with capacity for civil conduct or a partner of a person with limited capacity for civil conduct shall only bear limited liability.

    3. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP): In addition to having at least one partner who must bear unlimited joint and several liability for the enterprise, other shareholders who do not participate in the actual operation of the enterprise can be limited liability partners, and this part of the shareholders only contributes capital from them. The amount or insurance liability is limited to bear limited liability for the company’s debts. LLP is to sign a contract, hold property, or sue or be sued in the name of the individual partner.

    4. Company limited by shares (Inc. or Co.): A form of corporate organization in which two or more individuals hold shares of a company's stock. In the form of a joint-stock company, a share is a certificate of ownership of a business organization (company, partnership). Joint-stock companies issue stocks in public and non-public ways to create profits and return to shareholders through operations, investment, financial financing, etc.; shareholders can sell their stocks and transfer the benefits of their own ownership of the company to others. A company limited by shares has stronger financing capabilities than the previous forms of companies.

Trademark registration

Since business is sustainable, a good reputation is indispensable if a company is to continue to operate in a stable manner. After a good reputation is established, how can it play a role in marketing? Trademarks are the best means. As mentioned above, a trademark can be used to distinguish a company’s goods or services. In a sense, a trademark is a company’s business card. When facing new customers, this business card can quickly attract new customers. Associate the company with its good reputation. At the same time, when advertising, trademarks are easier to remember than a lot of text introductions. Therefore, the importance of trademarks can be seen in general.​​ According to the interpretation of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, the registration of a trademark does not naturally result in a right to use the trademark. According to the common law of the United States, the priority to use a trademark is born from the party who actually used the trademark first, so if A uses an unregistered trademark, B finds that A’s trademark market is effective and attempts to register that trademark. The United States Patent and Trademark Office rejected it on the grounds of priority use of A. When the U.S. court decides on disputes over the right to use trademarks, it is also based on who prefers to use the trademark, rather than just focusing on who uses the registered trademark.

Benefits of registered trademark

    1. After the trademark is registered, your ownership of the trademark will be made public, thereby reducing the possibility of infringement.

    2. All owners, including courts and administrative agencies, will assume that you have the right to use and exclusive rights to the registered trademark on the goods or services that you have applied for. Even if it is involved in a dispute over the right to use a trademark, it will be easier to win the lawsuit and obtain more compensation.

    3. You can proactively file a trademark infringement complaint in the Federal Court.

    4. According to the Vienna Agreement, after a trademark is registered in the United States, the trademark can be given priority in registered goods and services in other treaty countries.

    5. You can apply for border protection (CBP) services to prevent the import of foreign infringing goods by virtue of the records of registered trademarks.

    6. You can add ® logo to make your trademark look more professional.

    7. Registered trademarks are actually the intangible assets of reputable enterprises. And the United States allows the transfer of the right to use a registered trademark, and the owner of a registered trademark can make a profit through this method.

Please call 626-802-5085 or 626-802-5083 for free consultation


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